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AFS is your 'one stop shop' when you're ready to build your new home. 

We'll assist you with every aspect of preparation and building your new home including: 

- finance

- existing site assessment 

- new site selection

- design and architect drawings/engineering

- colour & spec selection

- quote organizing 

- construction & renovation process support

- contract supervision

- completion of works supervision

- real estate services as we are also licensed 

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Existing Site Assessment

We will assess your land an provide advice to you on the suitability in your street, based on your suburb requirements and council housing density and regulations as these may differ in other locations depending on local planning regulations.

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Once we have established your purchasing capacity and received a preapproval from the finance broker, we'll assist you to choose a suitable house design from the wide range available in our portfolio. Or our architect can custom design a home/townhouse to your requirements. This will include the Town Planning and Engineering working drawings once approved by your local council. This will also involve to prepare a number of reports that are necessary for a more precise quote. We will discuss and guide you through the entire process.

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Organizing a Construction Quote

Now you've finalised the selection of your land, house design, inclusions and colours, we will arrange for a builder to quote on construction. This is a very important process as the price can flactuate based on many factors that are price sensitive. So, we are working through the process with the builder to produce a favourable quote suitable to your budget and time frame. Contact us here


Contract Supervision

Once you've finalised the selection of your land, house design, inclusions and colours, we will make sure that all necessary contractual documents have been prepared and signed so that your broker can finalise the lodgement of your finance application.

We will keep the process as simple as possible and guide you through each and every step of the way. 

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Real Estate Agent Services

When you build your home, it may be for a number of reasons, either to live in, keep it for investment to rent it out or to sell it.


Well, in either of these instances we can help. Our directors and employees are also fully licensed Real Estate professionals and can arrange to sell your home or rent it if this is your preference. Read more 



To start the ball rolling, we will help you to arrange your finance, if required.


We will set up an initial appointment with one of our finance brokers to assess your eligibility and establish your purchasing capacity.

When the finance amount is established, you will then be advised as to the required documentation in order for  preparation of application lodgement.

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New Site selection

At this point, you will be ready to select a suitable lot for your dream home.

There are a number of new land estates that have a great growth potential and an infrastructure that is projected to increase capital value to your property.

We will guide you to the best options available to you at the time! 

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Colour & Spec Selection

We set up an appointment for you to personalise your home through the skillful selection of all of your fittings, fixtures and finishes. Appointments are conducted with the assistance of our own qualified interior designer who will share their expertise and industry knowledge to help you make each decision with confidence, bringing your dream home a step closer to reality.

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Construction & Renovation Process Support

Once you have approved the construction quote and agreed to move forward with the next phase, we will continue to provide you with support throughout the entire process as the first point of contact. As you may be interested to inspect your construction progress or have some new requirements you wish to implement, we will advise you along the way while keeping the builder updated. In all cases, the process will be comfortable for you to go through. 


Completion of Works Supervision

As the construction of your house comes to a completion stage, you will be advised of the forthcoming inspection where you will go through the checklist and make any necessary comments for adjustments before the handover.


We will be there with you during the completion handover of your house and make sure that you are happy with the result.. 

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