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The benefits of buying a house-and-land package

A house-and-land package can prove an economical route to home ownership.

There are clear benefits to buying a house-and-land package rather than organising the purchase of the land and the design and construction of a house yourself. Likewise, there are implicit advantages to choosing a project home for a block of land you own and having all the design and building work decoded and done for you.

buying house and land
buying house and land

House-and-land packages are one of the easiest and fastest ways to purchase a home that can be tailor-made to meet a family's needs.

Our team of architects and interior designers works directly with development and construction to ensure much of the time-consuming detail is fully resolved for the buyer.

One of the major benefits is that the price is clear upfront, an important consideration for buyers whose finance is pre-approved and who may be on a tight budget. Professional interior designers and architects are involved in every aspect of the design, which ensures a high-quality product without the costs associated with consultancy fees. Architectural involvement ensures the house fits perfecting on the lot and has the appropriate solar orientation.

Saving time is another benefit.

It takes a long time to design your own home, select inclusions, colours, fittings and fixtures, and find the appropriate trades and negotiate tenders, With a house-and-land package, you're buying yourself time!

house and land deals
building a house on your land

A tip for investors:

Because a house-and-land package is new, you’ll have a warranty if there are any problems. It will be easier to lease and likely to have few or no maintenance outlays. Plus, you can claim the maximum depreciation allowance on your tax return.

And there's a strategy that could save you thousands: by having separate contracts for the land and building, you only have to pay stamp duty on the land, not on the house. Stamp-duty rules and concessions vary from state to state, so consult your solicitor.

Buying Options:

We offer a range of payment options.


With a complete package, you pay a deposit of five or 10 per cent and the reminder at settlement.


Or you buy the land (if you don't already own it) and sign a separate contract for building, with progress payments as construction proceeds.


Either way we are going to help you every step of the process,

building a house on your land
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